Donation Novelty (Big) Cheques
22 March 2022
You have successfully planned and launched your year-long campaign/fundraiser. You have managed to collect well over your goal and are ready and proud to present the total donation monies to your chosen charity. You have planned an event. The invitations have been sent. The RSVP list is growing. The food and beverages are ordered. Perhaps you have live music. Perhaps a special guest will make an appearance. Is there a silent auction? EVERYONE LOVES silent auctions!
The agenda has been finalized. The hard-earned donation monies will be presented once everyone has placed their bids on the silent auction items, the food will have been received delightfully, and the beverages will be flowing. Its time! Your special guest makes their way up to the front podium, everyone claps, introductory speeches are made and then…your special guest gets handed a letter with a cheque inside. Everyone claps, a standing ovation follows, and your special guest sits back down. Whispers follow: “what was the amount?”; “did you hear the amount?”; “what did the letter say?”; “who is receiving the money?”; “how much was collected?”.
Do not let this happen at your event or celebration! A Giant Cheque is the perfect high-impact and eye-drawing marketing addition to honour your fundraising efforts and create a great photo-op to post to all your social media platforms. Not only will this look impressive and help applaud your fundraising aspirations, using a Giant Cheque will draw attention to the cause or charity, encouraging others to donate or even fundraise themselves!

Call Cheque Print today to order your PRESENTATION CHEQUE (aka NOVELTY CHEQUE, DONATION CHEQUE, PROMOTION CHEQUE, GIANT CHEQUE, OR BIG CHEQUE). Need more details? Keep reading. We got you!
- Fully Customizable Giant Cheque Design:
- Branding
- Graphics
- Logos
- Additional partner or sponsor logos
- Background designs and colours; and
- Personalized text
- QR Codes
- Full-Colour
- Customizable Shapes
- Banking details (transit, branch, and account numbers in MICR font)
- Authentic Giant Cheques can be an engaging and eye-catching marketing solution for a variety of purposes
- Highly durable
- Reusable (reused by writing in the name and amount with a dry-erase marker and repeat!)
- ETA 1 week
- Onsite Designer to bring your vision to life
- Free shipping for rollable giant cheques. Solid oversized cheques are to be picked up by YYC customers.
- Fully Customizable, Rollable Giant Cheques (22” x 44” standard) shipped directly to home or office for our Canadian Customers
- Finalization includes printing, lamination, and mounting on a weather-proof foam core rigid board
All available to help you promote your company branding and image!

How to Order a Big Cheque
Contact one of our friendly team at Cheque Print. We are happy to discuss your event and vision. Our specialists can help bring your vision to reality. Our onsite professional designer can customize using all your ideas, images, and text.
Big Cheque Size
Sizes available are as follows:
- 22″ x 44″ – Rollable – Full Colour Big Cheque = $110.00 + tax
- 36″ x 72″ – Rigid – Full Colour Big Cheque = $216.00 + tax (must be picked up in Calgary)
**Please note, there is a design fee of $55. Design fee is waived if you provide a print-ready PDF**
Share your vision with us! If you have any questions and would like to find out more about our large presentation/giant/charity/novelty/big cheques, call us today! We got you!