
  • Print Your Own Cheques

    How to print your own cheques Discover the ease and security of printing your own cheques by ordering blank cheque stock directly from us. This method is practical and increasingly popular for several reasons, including first and foremost how cost effective it is. Read our Frequently Asked Questions to learn just how easy the process… Read more

  • Online Ordering

    Choosing the Best Cheque Ordering Website When ordering cheques, it’s important to use an SSL secure site, so your information cannot be stolen. The best website to order cheques from is also one where you can pick the product you need, select color options and then fill out all your banking details quickly and on… Read more

  • 5th Colour

    At Print Wow and Cheque Print Solutions we are so excited to share with our customers that we proudly own a new Ricoh Pro C7200 X-5 color digital printer where the “5th” color WHITE on metallic stock, greyscale halftones in white on black or colored stock and CLEAR on any paper and spot locations! Ask… Read more

  • Customer Service

    There is only one boss! The Customer! And he [or she] can fire everybody in the company from the Chairman on down, simply by spending his [or her] money somewhere else.” – Sam Walton – Travis Biggert Customer Service and Cheque Print Solutions are synonymous! Cheque Print attributes its growth to basic customer service.  Of… Read more

  • Novelty Cheque

    Donation Novelty (Big) Cheques 22 March 2022 You have successfully planned and launched your year-long campaign/fundraiser.  You have managed to collect well over your goal and are ready and proud to present the total donation monies to your chosen charity.  You have planned an event.  The invitations have been sent.  The RSVP list is growing. … Read more

  • The Over-Payment Scam

    Don’t Fall Prey To The Overpayment Scam! Have you heard about the overpayment scan? This fraud happens when the scammer overpays for an item you are selling online in the guise of covering shipping or custom fees. The overpayment fraud tricks you into refunding money to a scammer who has overpaid you with a bogus… Read more

  • The Best Business Cheques

    What Cheques Are Best For Business? If you’re wondering which cheques are best for your business, there are three main options to consider. Two are more traditional and one is not not-so-traditional. Let’s start with the traditional business cheque options: handwritten business cheques and printer cheques. Handwritten Cheques Firstly, the handwritten or manual business cheques.… Read more

  • Styles of Cheques: What’s The Difference?

    When referring to styles of cheques, we first need to breakdown the categories of cheques first. There are three main categories, and within each of those categories there are a few additional options. Each style has its own features and overall look. All cheques must meet or exceed the CPA (Canadian Payments Association) banking standards,… Read more

  • The Hologram Myth

    You know the gold foil holograms on some of our Canadian currency? These are a built-in security feature, among others to help protect against forgers. Some have seen a similar hologram on cheque stock and equated the same sense of security with cheques as with currency. These people would be mistaken. Here is the MYTH: These… Read more

  • Order Puppy Cheques Online

    Get personalized custom puppy cheques (an image of your dog on your cheques) or choose from several stock images of the cutest ever pups, dogs, and even kitties. Start your order now. Order Stock Puppy Cheques >        Order Cheques With My Puppy > Read more